Selasa, 11 Juni 2019

The Ambler Family (Newcastle-phased host family)

Introducing you....


Di fase desa yang bukan kayak desa, gak ngerti gue kenapa ni negara kerennya kebangetan, gue punya keluarga baru lagi dong. Bahagianya gue beda lagi kalau disini. Secara gue seneng banget sama anak kecil, adanya tiga orang adek-adek bule yang bisa gue ajakin ngobrol dan maen tambah bikin gue cinta sama negara ini. 

FYI, kalau mau foto atau posting foto anak2 di ranah publik especially social media, lu mesti kudu minta izin dulu sama pihak yang bersangkutan. Kalau mau ambil foto anak2 di sekolah minimal lu harus minta izin dulu sama ortu, kepsek, dan wali kelas. Sebelum itu harus ada juga surat izin dari pemerintah setempat kalau lu bisa berhubungan atau kontak/melakukan komunikasi sama anak2 termasuklah kalau lu magang atau nyari kerjaan yang berhubungan dengan anak2. 

Attention Please!! ini penting banget. JANGAN PEGANG, COLEK APALAGI NYUBIT ANAK ORANG SEMBARANGAN DENGAN ALASAN APAPUN. Huhu bisa puanjaaaaang dan ribetttt urusannya. Walaupun lu ngeliat anak orang secakepp apapun, selucu apapun, seimut apapun jangan deh berani2. Gue? BEHHH!! Berkali2 nahan hasrat untuk gak gendong, ngerangkul dan mainiin pipi tuh anak2 disana. Ya ALLAH apalagi manusia2 kecil kayak barbie idup tuhaaaaan gemashhnya minta ampun (apalagi tempat magang gue di sekolah loh) namun apalah daya :((

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018

The Reid Family (Sydney-phased host family)

Hey hey..
I would like to introduce you to the warm and amazing my host family in Sydney.
Here they are...


Foto pas perpisahan udah mau masuk masa2 mid-visit break, netes air mata euy haha..
gue ini ngucapin makasih aja gak bakal cukup kayaknya ngebales kebaikan mereka yang luar biasa.
Makasih ya Ibu dan Chris..
You both are so adorable and lovely!!

Ini foto waktu jalan2 ke BLUE MOUNTAIN. Kalau lu ke Sydney, ini kayak must visit tourism destination! Kabutnya itu warna biru gara2 keluar dari daun apa gitu gue lupa.. haha.. nah di kandungan di daun itu yang buat kabutnya jadi warna biru, makanya dinamain BLUE MOUNTAIN.
Oke caption sama foto gak nyambung emang harusnya "ini foto gue ambil pas piknik di salah satu park di daerah Blue Mountain."

Gue pernah di ajak ke restoran khas Indonesia, yang punya udah lama stay di Sydney tapi asli orang Jakarta kalau gak salah. Gilak betapa senengnya di ajak makan masakan khas Indonesia!! Ada sate, tongseng, ayam madu, dll. Ughhh, 

Makanan udah abis baru sempet foto, maklumlah khilaf gue haha.. lupa diri gitu

ngiler gak sih lu..

satenya daging gede2 gitu enak dan bikin kenyang wkwkwk..

gue itu sangking enaknya tinggal sama mereka kadang suka lupa ngeabadiin foto2 dan video bareng huhu.. jadi cuman segini deh foto2nya *banyakan foto makanan lagi hehe dasarrr..

Kamis, 18 Januari 2018

Pre Departure AIYEP 2017

This is going to be a very long postings that I will create telling about my journey during my experience joining Australia - Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2017. I could definitely say that this is a very worthy program to follow when you are still young. You can explore many things and learn in detail about culture from two different sides of the world, Indonesia and Australia. Many people say this program is focus on cross cultural understanding and people to people contact. But, when you experience it, it will be more than those two phrases!

Many stages need to be encountered in this program and some of them have been completed so far.
I am happy but a little bit heartbroken. I am confused but able to understand clearly. I am me, and I am the only one who can define who I am *apaan sih GAJE bgt Ya Tuhaaaaaan :')

Here I go, telling you about my absurd story of my abstract life.....

First stage that I completed during this program is PDT (Pre Departure Training). It took a week for all of us, the 18 Indonesian delegates from Sabang till Merauke, to join this stage. I personally from Kota Pempek, where you can see me hopefully in the next Asian Games 2018.

Frankly, I have never imagined that I could be a part of this program. Meeting another 17 amazing Indonesian delegates is such aeumm auemmmm auemmmm. still thinking about that cause no word can totally describe how happy I am to have them around. Well, we have never met each other, not even once. We didn't even know each of us, yeppp... till we met in Jakarta :)

 * item putih banget, training In**maret buk, pak?

Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

Teacher: a Fabulous communicator

Asalamuallaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...
Hi positive people! Let me give you a special quote in relation to what I write here

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” 
Albert Einstein

I love that quote because it is simple but meaningful. Many people say that life must go on and as a human being, we cannot turn anything back. The question is
 'why should I dwell with past when my life now is much more interesting?' 

To me, a pleasure and comfort are some abstract stuff that can make me stay in committing what I suppose to do. I like to learn and do something differently day by day. No job could actually be like what I say before. However, I think, being a teacher is the way I can discover many unique and diverse things every day. I also like to be useful to the people around because I believe one of our roles as a human being is to benefit others. Again, I think, being a teacher is the way I can give my positive contribution to my surroundings.

Here is a little bit of my story that I consider as an interesting activity in my daily life: Being a teacher!

People may say being a teacher is such kind of tough job; teaching students with different ability, shaping their characters, measuring their academic achievements, identify the needs of each student, help students to develop their own potential, motivate them to study more, and many other responsibilities.

In a real life, a teacher definitely finds a lot of problems. Not all of the students have motivation to study and develop their skills. Some students do not even know what potential they have, what skill they need to be developed and how to utilize it in appropriate and good way. In another words, teacher is needed to be able to analyze and identify students’ potential and help them to develop their skills through the communication. Due to those reasons, I believe that a teacher is not only the one who give students a lesson but also the one who helps the students to overcome their problems in terms of academic or even non-academic matters.  Further, a teacher should have four competences and one of them is social competence. This competence is actually the ability of teacher to interact and socialize to the people around especially the students. I think it is no exaggeration to say that a teacher can be classified as a fabulous communicator.

The situation of  my students (XII IPS 1) in English class

The situation of  my students (XII IPA 1) in English class

I personally discover many problems as a teacher. Sometimes, I feel miserable why my students are not able to be what I expect. I think that perhaps there is something wrong with my students or even me. The problems are diverse and sometimes appear in particular situation. But, time passes by; I learn many things from my experiences being a teacher. I then realize that every student have their own unique characters. They are special with their own way. I cannot force them to be what I expect. I should let them explore what they are interested in. I need to understand in what area my students will pay more attention. But, how could I know that? I cannot read their mind and guess it randomly. So, to identify what my students are fascinated with, I provide several minutes in my class to let them share their problem. They can write their problem in a piece of paper or express it by talking directly to me. I ask them to share their story or problem by using English. If they cannot do it in fully English, I ask them to combine their words with English and Bahasa Indonesia. Sometimes, they have funny jokes to utter when I apply this activity in the class. They speak some words in Bahasa Indonesia but pronounce it in English way. I know my students attempt to use English even though they still have difficulty in it. I do appreciate their effort. Then, from that activity, I have a chance to understand what my students’ problem and I can analyze how to solve it.

An example of my students’ problem is they think English is difficult and that is what makes them dislike English. It is actually the most problem I found in many classes I teach. Well, I literary sad knowing this fact because English will be useful for their life in the future. From my interview with them, the most and main problems in learning English is when they do not know the meaning of many words. They cannot understand the text provided in their English workbook and have no idea to answer its questions. I understand their dilemma and try to help them by offering a solution that may help them. One of my solutions that I assume will not encumber them is to memorize 1-2 new vocabularies every day. If they can remember only 1 vocabulary per day, they will obtain 7 new vocabularies in a week. 30 new vocabularies in a month and can you imagine if they can remember one new word everyday in a year? Yes, I think this is the appropriate way to make them learn English with easy and fun way. I believe if they understand many words in their mind, English will not be as difficult as they think anymore.

My students (XII IPA I) when they work in a group

I understand that I need to assist my students finding their potential, developing their skills, and motivating them to get what they want. I meet many lovable students who want to share their experiences and problems with me. They talk actively and expressively. I am pleased because it means that I am considered necessary for them. One more thing, I am glad I can help people around and spend my time with them. To sum up, I can say that my interesting activity for being a teacher is when I meet them every day except weekend and day off, talk to them, share their problems and find the solution, get many positive vibes, and laugh because of their ridiculous jokes.

Wallaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Asean University Games 2014

Asalamuallaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh

Halo apa kabarnya sih lu lu semua yang lagi pada nungguin kepastian dari dia? *eyakkkk...

btw, udah lama gak ngeblog, gue juga bingung mau nulis apaan. Eh, tapi kali ini gue bakalan posting foto-foto selama AUG. ada yg tau apa itu AUG? Yapp! Asean University Games! jadi ceritanya Desember 2014 kemaren kota kelahiran gue, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan kebagian jadi tuan rumah acara olahraga para mahasiswa tingkat Asia Tenggara. Acara berlangsung 2 mingguan, tapi kita sebagai LO, gue pribadi sih ngerasain kita kerja sktr 3 mingguan karena kita ada pelatihan LO jg slama tiga hari, sebelum opening kita udah jemput para atlet dari bandara, nganterin mereka akreditasi, nganterin ke hotel atau wisma atlet karena ada beberapa cabor yang dapet giliran pertandingan di awal bahkan sebelum opening mereka udah mulai kompetisi kan kayak cabor Sepak Bola. Seru sih seru banget soalnya sepanjang Sumsel jadi tuan rumah acara" olahraga antar negara gini, ini pertama kalinya gue jadi Liaison Officer. Banyak banget hal-hal bermanfaat yang bisa diambil dari ikut serta acara yang melibatkan banyak negara gini. Daripada kebanyakan narasi nih gue lampirin foto-foto keseruan gue pas jadi LO di AUG 2014...

My ID Card :)

Ya Allah komuk gue absurb banget daaaahhhh -______- maklum ya itu kecapekan tuh hari ketiga pelatihan LO udah seharian capek kolar kilir kesana kemari (padahal cuman ngendep di bis doang) wkwkwkwk

behind the scene sebelum opening ceremony, kita lagi nungguin para atlet dan official
bersih-bersih buat pawai ntar malem ^^ 

Ini pas Opening Ceremony, gue megang bendera Singapore karena waktu itu gue bantu temen handle atlet plus official Football dari Singapore. gue ikutan turun parade di belakang para kontingen dari Singapore. kata emak sama kk senior gue, gue mhhasoook TV. WHOoyyy....horrrayyyy!! Mhasookkk TV guee mhasooook TV whooooYYy...!!
*alay, katrok banget deh ahhh*

okeh kita kenalan dulu yah sama beberapa atlet Football Singapore,,..
here we go...!

yang kiri Bun Yang (Maaf kalo salah spellingnya, gue gak terlalu pinter ngapaling spelling nama orang) dan yang kanan Anders Aplin. nah yang kanan ini, mulai dr temen gue, junior, pada minta bungkusin semua buat di bawa pulang, laaah emang dia apaaaan minta bungkuss? :O 
*if you know what I mean* :D

(Maaf yaaa...maaf.....)

Oke, Lanjoooooottttt..............................

Nah ini Firdaus (Goal Keeper). FYI, neneknya orang Indonesia loh.
Firdaus ini atlet pertama yang negor gue duluan. yang paling gue inget (kalo gue gak salah nangkep yak :D) kira2 bahasa Indonesia nya gini "siapa nama kamu dalam bahasa Cina?" 
JEGARRRR!!! Lah buseeet orang Cina aja bukan -,-

ini Syaqir Sulaiman, katanya dia pemain profesional Singapore. 
Orangnya juga gak kalah ramah sama Firdaus.

ini ....hmm.. ini...hhhmm....ini.....
Ya Allah lupa namanya siapa .______. 
kek abang-abang Korea yak. hhihi

itu beberapa ya atlet2nya, ini  bawah bakal gue post foto2 waktu nemenin mereka latihan

soal komuk gue yang abstrak ini gak usah di ambil ati yak, mohon di maklumin aja

Okeh, hari selanjutnya jadi kerjaan gue itu adalah bisa di bilang PIC Futsal. Semua yang ada hubungan sama Futsal gue yang handle and manage. Misal, masing-masing LO yang barengan sama atlet dan official harus kontekan sama gue jam berapa mereka bakal ke stadion, mereka lagi kemana, apa kendala mereka, mereka mau latihan sebelum tanding itu gimana, keperluan" apa aja yang mereka butuhin, trus ngabarin jadwal tanding futsal, berhubungan langsung sama wasit, pengurus" futsal (gue lupa apa istilahnya), dll
Gue juga jadi kayak yang nemenin atlet dan official futsal putri Indonesia ngapa"in. Double job bisa dibilang gitu ya. Yah tapi gue seneng. Makin banyak pengalaman kan makin bagus ya gak? 

Ini gue posting foto-foto gue selama handle tim futsal putri dan official Indonesia yaa...

Full team, mereka kece banget kan ya..

Nah ini sama pelatih kece Timnas Futsal Putri nih, gue kayaknya gak usah ngenalin nih orang karena gue yakin kalu lu pencinta sepak bola tanah air ya pasti lu udah hapal sama nih abang. Yupp! Betul banget Abang Hendra.. Hendra Nazir.

Ini gue pas di bandara waktu anter mereka balik ke Jakarta. Sedih juga sih haha, banyak pengalaman menarik nemenin mereka :")

yang ini foto waktu di hotel tempat mereka istirahat, pagi banget pas persiapan mereka mau otw ke bandara...

Ini waktu nemenin mereka jalan" malem menikmati keramain Benteng Kuto Besak, tempat rekreasi yang wajib lu datengin kalo lu ke Palembang nih. Ada cerita seru dan lucu waktu naik ya mereka nyebutnya 'odong-odong' 

Ada opening, pasti ada closing dong ya.. 
Well, ini foto" gue pas closing ceremony AUG 2014.

Meriah ya dari gemerlap lampunya, hehee...

Kalau dipikir" mereka itu makanannya apa ya? Tiang gitu? Atau kayaknya gue yang hobbit? Ah yasudah lupakanlah... 

Hobby banget foto sama atlet kece, yaudah lah ya maafin aja...

Halo, lu bisa liat siapa dibelakang gue? hmm....
Suaranya mbak.............

Nah segitu dulu ya cerita gue tentang pengalaman jadi LO di event olahraga antar Negara" di Asia Tenggara. Semoga bisa jadi gambaran bagi siapapun nanti yang mau terlibat dan ikut serta dalam event-event Internasional kayak gini.

gue tutup dengan....

Wallaikumsalam Warrahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh