Kamis, 18 Januari 2018

Pre Departure AIYEP 2017

This is going to be a very long postings that I will create telling about my journey during my experience joining Australia - Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2017. I could definitely say that this is a very worthy program to follow when you are still young. You can explore many things and learn in detail about culture from two different sides of the world, Indonesia and Australia. Many people say this program is focus on cross cultural understanding and people to people contact. But, when you experience it, it will be more than those two phrases!

Many stages need to be encountered in this program and some of them have been completed so far.
I am happy but a little bit heartbroken. I am confused but able to understand clearly. I am me, and I am the only one who can define who I am *apaan sih GAJE bgt Ya Tuhaaaaaan :')

Here I go, telling you about my absurd story of my abstract life.....

First stage that I completed during this program is PDT (Pre Departure Training). It took a week for all of us, the 18 Indonesian delegates from Sabang till Merauke, to join this stage. I personally from Kota Pempek, where you can see me hopefully in the next Asian Games 2018.

Frankly, I have never imagined that I could be a part of this program. Meeting another 17 amazing Indonesian delegates is such aeumm auemmmm auemmmm. still thinking about that cause no word can totally describe how happy I am to have them around. Well, we have never met each other, not even once. We didn't even know each of us, yeppp... till we met in Jakarta :)

 * item putih banget, training In**maret buk, pak?